by Lauren Day | Feb 28, 2017 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Tips
Who is visiting your website, on what devices, at what times, in what locations? How are people coming to your website — is it directly, through social media, a referring website, particular keywords, or something else? Which pages of content are most popular,...
by Lauren Day | Jan 31, 2017 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Strategy
If you’re like most small business owners, you spend a great deal of your non-billable time creating content to market your product/service, but little time crafting an accompanying headline that brings people to your content. What components make winning headlines,...
by Lauren Day | Oct 31, 2016 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Strategy
Feedback is paramount to improvement, and one of the most effective ways to collect it is through a customer satisfaction survey. Doing so doesn’t need to take a great deal of time nor cost you a small fortune. To get started right away, ask yourself these four...
by Lauren Day | Aug 30, 2016 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Strategy
Made you look; this featured article photo is not what you typically expect on a corporate marketing blog and that’s exactly why Habituation Theory is important. How humans learn to focus their attention is fascinating, and as a marketer this subject deserves some...
by Lauren Day | Apr 29, 2016 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Strategy
A SWOT analysis template provides helpful information that matches your brand’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. Conducting a thorough SWOT is instrumental in strategy formation, which aids in writing a thoughtful,...
by Lauren Day | Mar 3, 2016 | Blog, Featured, Marketing Tips, Speaking in public
You just went big. Your winning idea, service, or product got some massive attention, but now what? How will you capitalize on this moment with buzz marketing to maximize your brand’s visibility and meet further business goals? My recent buzz marketing story...