A SWOT analysis template provides helpful information that matches your brand’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. Conducting a thorough SWOT is instrumental in strategy formation, which aids in writing a thoughtful, strategic communications & marketing plan.

Putting your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats on paper can feel like a daunting task. But, it doesn’t have to be. Plus the rewards of doing so can boost your product sales, donor base, and digital visibility because you have a better idea of your external environment and your role (for better or worse) in it. Knowing this helps you craft a better sales pitch narrative.

To conduct a SWOT analysis, all it takes is understanding your brand and digging a bit deeper with our straight-forward SWOT analysis template presentation and downloadable Word document.

View our SWOT Analysis Slideshare

Go here to view the slideshare presentation on the SWOT analysis template: http://www.slideshare.net/LaurenDay5/swot-analysis-template-howto-guide

Strengths and weaknesses are a part of the internal environment and a situation inside the organization. Factors of strengths and weaknesses include: products, pricing, costs, profitability, performance, skills, people, quality, brands, services, reputation, process, and infrastructure. All factors typically tend to be in the present.

By contrast, opportunities and threats are a part of the external environment and a situation outside the organization. Factors of opportunities and threats include: markets, sectors, audience, fashion, seasonality, trends, competition, economics, politics, culture, technology, environmental, media, and law. Factors typically tend to be in the future.

Strengths are an organization’s resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.

The absence of certain strengths can be seen as weaknesses. Also, areas where an organization is average or underperforming competitors can also be viewed as weaknesses.

The external environment analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth. Looking at the organization’s strengths help illuminate opportunities for further advancements.

Changes in the external environment also may present threats to the organization.

View and download the SWOT analysis Word template

Go here to access the Word template on Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/LaurenDay5/swot-analysis-template-word
Scroll down to the bottom and click “download” to get it in a Word format.

Remember to conduct a SWOT on each of your competitors too!

If you’d like assistance with conducting your SWOT analysis or your competitors, contact us. This is one of many topics explored in GoodBuzz’s Situation Stage (there’s five stages) to build out your brand’s Strategic Communications Plan. We’d be happy to work with you on developing a strategic communications plan for your brand! Having a roadmap for success is absolutely necessary to spend resources effectively and efficiently.

Among Austin marketing firms, GoodBuzz Solutions empowers brands to become more visible by harnessing the best of marketing, communications, and events to achieve their goals. Put your marketing expertise to the test by taking the free GoodBuzz Online Marketing Assessment here. The quiz will evaluate you in seven core areas with 31 questions. Your immediate marketing score will identify your strengths and show you where you can polish your strategy – all for free!

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